TheDeepCoachTransformational Living 19 Comments

In the first part of this series on 5D living (The Ineffable Reality of 5D Living) I wrote that a large part of the Center’s work is centered around revealing and demystifying the journey of awakening and transformation. Another way of saying this is that we help people navigate the transition from 3D to 5D via 4D living. 

4D Living

Transformation – what I am labeling ”4D living” – is a transitory journey of personal evolution from one state of mind and being to another. It is one which involves sweeping change at a core level of mind and being. In essence, transformation is a healing journey that brings us into connection with a far greater, more encompassing truth of who we are and the nature of Reality. 

I should clarify some terminology before I continue, as there can be confusion. I am using the terms 3D, 4D and 5D as labels to identify states of personal consciousness only. Physically speaking, as we live on an evolutionary planet, we always exist in 4D. In physics it’s called spacetime (3 dimensions of space, 1 dimension of time). The states of consciousness that I am labelling 3/4/5D do not have an assumed relationship to spacetime. 

As our consciousness shifts from 3D to 5D, however, our perception of spacetime can change. We experience the same world we live in altogether differently. This is because as we transcend into 5D consciousness, we heal the manifold distortions of a mind steeped in ego consciousness, and our inner reality transforms. 

Transcending the Ego-Mind

5D living then becomes our existential reality because the inner barriers of ego-mind have been transcended to the degree that the ego is no longer the driver of our life experience, and something far more real has supplanted it: our higher Self or soul, which is the multi-dimensional aspect of ourselves that is pure light and pure intelligence.

When people progress on the transformational path towards enlightened living, they begin to live more attuned to the nature and power of their higher Self and soul, and this in turn fosters a vivid sense of interconnectedness with all things. 

That interconnectedness is Reality, for in Reality there is no separation; there is only connectedness, only oneness. Any limitation in your ability to perceive that oneness consistently does not mean it does not exist, it only means you have yet to make it your daily lived experience. The more you progress in your understanding of soul, Spirit, and the nature of Reality, the more you will begin to live in accordance with that sense of interconnection. 

5D Living as Unity Consciousness

That is what 5D living really means. It is unity consciousness: I am one with all. It is Love consciousness: the mind that rests in 5D living has learned to transfer trust and loyalty to Love, and rests in the peace that comes with only loving. 5D living is more from soul, more from the heart, less from ego. 

3D consciousness is ego consciousness; it is one of separation. “I am most definitely not one with all,” whispers the ego. “I am separate, different, and more special than others.” 3D living is to perceive life as the ego would have us experience it. It’s a world in which we have to compete to survive, win to be successful, achieve to be valued, and never, despite all that striving and surmounting, are we actually ever good enough or lovable or whole as we are. 

To grow into 5D consciousness there must be a desire to diminish the ego’s grip on the mind. There must be a desire to know what it is to live in Love, which is fearless. This is what the transformational journey through 4D living invites. 

The journey shakes up your self-identity and worldview, it uproots a myriad of false or limiting images and beliefs that color every living moment, and it reconfigures your sense of self into something altogether more real and beautiful. 5D living invites you to forge an intimate connection with your deepest Self, with your soul, so that you may grow into a dimension of reality that is of Love consciousness. 

Things simply work differently in this dimension. Economy, relationships, creativity, sex, birth, death, disease, you name it – it all works differently in 5D. 

We’re not leaving the world. We are firmly planted within it. But we are transcending the pull of 3D living to see the world and all its activity through a lens cleared of egoic thought. 

Imagine that. Life perceived through a lens clear of fear. That is 5D living. The ego could never comprehend this world. Because all that it created in your mind that was contracted in fear dissolves like the mist before a rising sun. 


Comments 19

  1. I am very grateful for your clear and precise explanation of 5D, it is hard to find one so clear…I hear a lot of people talking or banding this with other ideas, like the word Matrix, illusion etc………….. ‘ It is unity consciousness: I am one with all’ to me this term means one with all the universe, be it a stone or other people or any state of consciousness in the entire universe, etc, is this so or not? So I hear many spiritual sites/people talking about 5D and as you say ‘Ego is no longer the driver’, but yet when they are discussing their work, they are making clear distinctions between these people that cannot pull themselves out of the 3D, now to me that is a hierarchy and to me linked with ego, where one is better than the next, am I incorrect in thinking this?, to me I am no better than a homeless person, his/her story is just as relevant or even more so than my own life/energy, please could you explain this to me? Is this world we live in just an illusion, so our past lives in these places people talk of like Atlantis etc, are just an illusion too??? how can a being talk of an existence as experience if it were a mere illusive egoic driven notion?? to me personally, a higher consciousness stops thinking of this ‘sovereign state’ (another term I hear a lot) and it pulses as one, like a sea of energy, moving together without distinction, if you think it, it is real, so why distinguish between 5D or 3D, a state of love, has no boundaries, rules, borders or even shape, it simply is, no matter what form or ‘dimension’ number placed on it, or the kind of love that it is, how can we distinguish from how Jasmine loves her boyfriend to how Bill loves a tree, to me that is judgement and distinction and therefore not a higher consciousness , as you can see I am quite confused, is our mission (another word) here not to help each other, even that means taking the bullet so to speak that was for them, please could you clarify what I am missing here or not grasping

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      You are asking a lot of great existential questions Lindsay, thank you for your post. Some of them I feel I can speak to, while others not so much.

      When you mention when people talk about their work (or their ‘wokeness’) there is often a sense of what some call the ‘spiritual ego’ coming through. It is the thought that I am superior to others because I am more aware, awake, conscious, ‘enlightened, and because I have made more progress in my spiritual life. Some go so far as to wear clothes or insignia, or get a tattoo, that identifies them as spiritual aspirants, because it’s important to them to be seen that way by others. It is, as you point out, all part of the ego and its pull to keep us in the illusion of our separation from one another and our essential equality.

      The essence of each human being is equally magnificent, no matter the position in our societal hierarchy. And that essence is deserving of love and respect, unconditionally. That doesn’t mean all behavior are accepted, but each human being is, regardless.

      Some spiritual texts speak of the world as an illusion. I have found this to be a complex concept for people to grasp. But on physical level it does make some sense: this entire world of form and material that we live in is, essentially, immaterial (physics has shown that). And in itself, the material world we see holds no meaning aside from the meaning that we, as ‘meaning making machines’, project onto it.

      On a metaphysical level, what I am learning about this is that the meaning I make of things, and the meaning I project on to the world around me, relates to the quality of my consciousness. When I am expanded in Love, the illusion of separation just falls away, and I notice that I project less onto the world and more am I beholding the world in a kind of wonder state. When I am contracted in Fear, in any form, I become gripped by the illusion, and I operate from that state, projecting my interpretation on it all, scrabbling to make meaning.

      Another way I think about it is, when I am operating from my ego, which is of Fear (separation), I am in the 3D world. The 5D world is then somewhere else, one I have to ‘get to’. But when I am in Love (unity), in the 5D world, then I see that what I thought was real (the 3D world) is only an illusion. It was only a shadow dance occurring in my mind.

      So if I understand you correctly, I would agree with you: when we are in Love (5D) there is no need to distinguish any longer, because there is nothing to distinguish from. It is all, as you say, a sea of energy moving without distinction.

      But…we all have an ego, which I define simply as our sense of separate self. It’s not good or bad, it just is. And it gives us the chance to live and experience the shadow dance of life, in all its forms, from what we label the beautiful to the horrific.

      I hope some of this helps.

      With light,


      1. I want to isolate from everyone. I stay away from them for a while as they hurt my mind with negative things. Excessive noise is very annoying to me. Talking too loud bothers me. I often try to stay away from rational ideologies like religion to society. As a mother with a child, my mind also feels the emotional damage caused by the child. Most of the time I think they came to me to pay the karma but I do not feel jealous of anyone. Always try to keep the mind relaxed. I do not know what dimension I am in, but I know that this whole universe exists within me. I love it unconditionally. This is an expression of my opinion, thanks to the daily universe in which I firmly believe that I was created on the existence of this universe and obeys the universe. I agree on a 5D situation. It will make the world more peaceful than man-made. This important article made me think big. Good luck. Stay blessed **

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    2. Hi LIndsay. I find the work by David Hawkins, his books on levels of consciouness are profound. It clearly states how we experience different levels of consciousness. The traits, the experience, the duality of traits and even testing different levels of literature, he clearly states how the evolution is. You can even google his scale.

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      2. I agree with the statements about David Hawkins, who was a unique human being who revealed so much to us all. I would like to add two more authors who have had an enormous influence on me and my understanding: Wayne Dyer (all his works) and Anthony DeMello (“Awareness” is the name of the only publication by him that I ‘ve read).

        I feel that there are a few initiatives that will contribute to the wellbeing of society, of which PSYCH-K is one, but that is a debate for another day.

  2. hmmm… fascinating all thru, including the comments and responses. i follow a great astrologer, Pam Gregory, who takes herself out of current events, just wants to live in nature and 5d (lucky her). I, however, don’t want to miss it. if i’m going to be part of humanity at this time then i want to see it. but when i look (online as i’m partially disabled) i always notice the inside of my glasses. knowing i’m just looking thru my earthly glasses.

    when i witness horriblenesses and they come up in meditation i just release them. lots to release. my personal relationships have been culled but are more sharply/deeply loving. and i see, more and more, love. more and more violence and hate too. but often the love wins the day w my heart.

    thank you for a vigorous discussion. the mind serves the heart.

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      I hear you Katherine when you speak about the witnessing and feeling of the world’s darkness, and then…the act of releasing within ourselves all that it may stir which is not of love or compassion. Powerful work.

      1. I have a question when meditating and if something bad or good comes up is it better to push or pull those things or just keep them there and live with them not seeing the bad and good and just how it’s perceived that way? Wow that made my mind go really blank
        Idk if it’s good to base things off morals I learned as a kid but it is this norm so its what I do if that makes sense

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          It’s a question that each teacher of meditation will have a different answer to, depending on their personal philosophy or religious approach. That always says to me that there is no “right way” to meditate, and that it’s an intensely personal experience.

          So I can’t say that one way is “better” than another David. Try doing both. Try leaning into the thoughts, feelings, images, and see what arises. Try detaching, becoming more objective, taking a broader view of it all, and see what happens. For me, it’s all deep reflection and therefore deep learning is happening.

  3. I just arrived. Took my whole life to get here and the pass couple months were insane. I went through darkness not realizing I was ascending. The second I knew was beautiful. A blue light hit my face. All weight was off my shoulders. Couldn’t stop laughing. I’m sober too. But this is where I’m supposed to be.

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  4. Stuck in this transition. I know that I am one with everything, I am everything and everything is me. We are all the same choosing to experience a different unique life. I feel as if I’ve always known this, when i was a kid i would live as if everything had feelings including the pencils i would write with in school, and it’s becoming annoying constantly hearing this regurgitated daily now due to social media.

    I have this knowing of understanding what/how life really is, yet nothing changes for me in particular. Same stress, same oppressions, depressions, etc. Is it because I don’t take the time to meditate, I don’t sit still with my thoughts to let them wonder and pluck out the negatives. Why should I even need to do this, why couldn’t the changes I seek be as easy as snapping a finger.

    This new talk of ascending into 5D, how do I know I’ve done this. It’s not clear. They say act on what gives you excitement or your passions but don’t get attached to material objects. Well my passions and excitements literally all involve material objects like sports or riding motorcycles, etc. Yet the fear of bills and making money always lingers. If I were to completely drop the fear that and only act of my excitements or passions I would never work for money again. I’d only do things that I truly want to do, yet if i do this then I wouldn’t make money to pay my bills for next month. Quite the dilemma.

    Am I supposed to just sit here and pretend in my mind that I’m doing the things that make me happy and that’ll make me happy? Sounds silly, I’d rather go out and actually do them. All these new age Gurus seem to just be talking in codes, so you kind of understand the subject yet they aren’t quite clear on what to do. That way you pay the $1997 for their course of program that “teaches” you. Why cant there be a clear cut instruction manual literally telling you exactly what to physically do to “ascend to 5D living”. That’s what my ADHD brain needs. I learn by watching/doing. Not by reading or lecturing.

    Some nights it gets so painful I wish to give this up and just return to not knowing. It seems the universe sends me messages but its always subliminal, not clear and becoming annoying. Whether it be through a tiktok video, a piece of writing, words on a billboard, a picture, symbol, etc. It always brings a answer that doesn’t seem to answer my question. It’s frustrating. I don’t want to decipher coded messages, tell me straight up. Give me the direct, straight to the point answer.

    Since my awakening a few years ago i admit some things have changed. I don’t drink alcohol anymore, i don’t seek out casual sex, i don’t participate in activities i consider negative, i focus on my kid more. But i know this is not it, these things are good but not to the extent of what i envision pure life to be.

    Then i see all this talk about aliens coming and the gov will say their bad but spiritual people will say they are good beings coming to liberate humans from all the oppression and to realize true potential. Sure, i could see that. But not one lick of evidence to support these claims.

    I’m to the point now where i believe this is all real information and i’m just not getting it fully i guess, or it’s a mass psych-opp by the gov to create mass psychoses to take full control over humans. That seems to be the direction our US gov is heading anyway.

    So anyways there’s my rant.


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      I tell you Don, I appreciate the rant! Because this kind of honesty is needed. It’s refreshing actually. Because what I do know to be true about awakening is that it is only the starting point of a prolonged journey of inner transformation that is never what we idealize it to be. It’s never linear, never clear cut, never obvious, rarely “easy”, and never fully knowable – all the things the mind wants to perceive so that it can feel comfortable and secure and generally OK with what’s going on.

      And to make it more challenging, as you point out, there is a tremendous amount of babble in the spiritual growth field. I call it spiritual fluff. It’s the stuff that can be interesting to hear about (aliens, past lives, twin flames, Pleiadians, parallel universes, star seeds and so forth) but for the vast, vast majority of humanity this stuff is not anywhere within their field of actual lived experience, and in fact has little bearing on how they experience their lives moment by moment.

      When I speak about 5D, I’m only using it as a wordplay to point to a paradigm of experience. So we all reside within our own paradigm of experience. It’s the life we are experiencing now. And 5D, as a paradigm of experience, is what happens when we have transformed our inner reality and state of consciousness into one that is of Love. And I’m talking about a state of consciousness here. Each state of consciousness has it’s own built in reality, or paradigm of experience. Shift the paradigm, and you start to experience life differently.

      So for you, what is the experience of life that you are seeking? It sounds like in your writing you are bouncing around about with a lot of ideas that others (the “gurus” of the self-help world) have presented to you, and that can get confusing. It’s a lot to take in and make sense of, particularly if it is outside your own personal field of experience. But get clear on that. What are you seeking as a life experience? Once you are clear on that, it’s time to begin what could be a long-ish, challenging journey to get there.

      Because it’s not straightforward. There is no guidebook. Sorry! And you have to wade through a lot of babble and fluff, much of which might not be of value to you at all. And then there is the inner work you need to do. For example, you mention fear, or at least if you were fearless what you would do. But I tell you this Don, if you were truly acting from fearlessness (which is the state of unadulterated Love consciousness) you wouldn’t hesitate for one second to be about what you truly want to do in this world. Fearlessness, true fearlnessness, is an incredibly expansive state of consciousness. And in that state, you know are connected to an intelligence that is greater than the world, that guides, nurtures, informs you as to how to move and create in the world.

      But the fear grips you, and stops you, makes you think that what you dream to be your work or play in the world is not possible. Clearing that field of fear then must become the focus of your inner work. Do you want to experience life fearlessly? Truly? They you must go into every corner of fear that occupies your mind and attend to that. That’s deeply healng, by the way. You will come out of that changed forever, and so much more energy, resourcefulness, creativity becomes available to you.

      This is not a manual, but it is a step. A huge one actually. To illuminate all the places in your mind where fear lurks (in any form including negativity, worry, anxiety, stress, doubt, uncertainty, irritation, hate, resentment, you name it…) and then to attend to it so that it is healed. Do this without wavering for a year Don, and get support and community along the way because you don’t need to walk this path alone, and then drop me another note. I’d love to hear what has changed for you.

      with light,


  5. What is after 5D? Nirvana, Source, Soul contract fulfillment? Can it be attained in this physical life realm? It’s hard to imagine above “love”.

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