What are some ways we can help our clients inhabit an energy of trust? Awareness of the doubt state. Our clients must first become aware that doubt is there so …
A Great Exercise for Exploring Trust with Your Clients
This is an effective exercise you can go through with your clients to gauge where their level of trust is. The categories can be changed as needed. Have your client …
Working with Underlying Beliefs
We’ve all heard the saying, “Our beliefs create our reality,” but what does this really mean? Beliefs form the lens through which we see the world. Since they are “you”, …
Letting Go of Limiting Beliefs – An Effective Formula
Letting go of limiting beliefs is never as easy or straightforward as we’d like to think. They can have a strong grip and are challenging to outwork. Coaching can play a vital role in supporting that process.
Redefining What It Means to Be a Successful Coach
It’s time to redefine what it means to be a successful coach. If you were to let go of any ideas of coaching success being measured by financial gain, then …
Coaching Conflict — Two Hidden Barriers to Peace
This is a story about a man who desired inner peace but who clung to conflict. As you will see, it’s easier to want peace than to actualize it.