Navigating uncertain times is not something we can be expected to just know how to do. But it can be learned, and is an invaluable life skill.
What is 5D Living?
Things work differently in 5D. Economy, relationships, creativity, sex, birth, death, disease, you name it – it all works differently. So, what is 5D living?
The Ineffable Reality of 5D Living
What is 5D living? It’s a significant shift in our perception of reality and the way we understand life to work in the 3D world.
What Is Personal Transformation?
Transformation has become a popular term. When a word is used so freely, we often lose touch with its true meaning and use it to describe something it is not.
Transformational Listening Is a Learned Sensing Journey
One of the ‘muscles’ you will have to develop as you progress along the transformation path is the ability sense more than you think. Sensing is a form of transformational listening, and it supports transformative growth.