TheDeepCoachLive Your Values, Transformational Living 4 Comments

Live Your Passion

Nothing makes the heart sing more than when you give yourself permission to do that which you love to do – to live your passion. Life then takes on a luminous quality, where more light emanates from your being, influencing both the quality of the work you do and the people with whom you do that work. Such is the way of life, and you know this to be true.

But what happens when you hold back from pursuing what you love to do? When you deny yourself the right to live this way? Slowly a wall is constructed around your heart, a wall designed to shelter it from the inevitable pain that arises deep within when your chosen way of living is not aligned to the way of your heart.

‘Protect the heart at all costs’ is what happens. Now you can function in the world by numbing the feelings that come from the misalignment.

What Your Heart Desires Is Joy

You are on the path of opening to your heart’s desires and learning to live increasingly joyfully. This is the only real way to live. It does not mean that every passing fancy or urge must be satisfied; it means you have explored the desires of the heart, you understand how it will lead you in life, and you trust your life to its care.

In Deep Coaching we speak of accessing the pathways of the heart and soul, the vast intelligence that is available to us when we take time to connect and listen within. The pathways of the heart take us into our innermost sanctuary, the place where all is known and all is well. To pursue what you love and what brings you joy is really to follow the guidance of that higher intelligence, to allow it more space in mind, and to trust more of your life to its leading.

It sounds so simple, I know.

And yet there will be those times when what the heart is saying contrasts to what the world demands, and you are unsure, you hesitate, you start to think more fearfully. What about this and what about that?

Not a worry. Your heart even has an answer for that question.

Listen well and your next step will be made clear. You may not see the whole game plan all at once, but that is the point of this journey. It’s not total revelation time, it’s ‘next step’ time.

What’s your next step to be, as you pursue that which you love, that which makes your heart sing? It will all unfold from there.

Comments 4

  1. Loving this piece, this flow of the heart! You are right on the beam, “it’s not easy”, however oh so necessary to the infinitude of freedom!! Thanks for shRi g. Many blessings…

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  2. I am so inspired by what you write about here Leon. It reminds me of the way I felt when I first found out about your training in Deep Transformational Coaching. The prospect of doing it made my heart sing. I knew it was indeed the right next step for me. That heart song got louder, more clear and beautiful in doing the training with you. That song is very much alive now…wonderful to experience.

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      That is wonderful to hear Josie – I can see in the work you are doing that your heartsong is expressing itself fully.:)

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