If there is one thing that is highly beneficial for transformational coaches to learn it is the power of transformative practice, both inside and out of sessions.
Cultivate a Healing Space in Your Coaching Sessions
Is coaching compatible with healing or are they two different modalities? Coaching spaces can become healing spaces, when certain conditions are met. The benefit to those in pain is tremendous.
My Client Has an Addiction, What Should I Do?
Coaches hesitate to coach people with addictions because we’re often taught that “coaching doesn’t go there.” Addictions are a type of disorder, and coaches aren’t trained for that. So what is our role in coaching addictions?
How Can You Be With Your Fear During A Crisis?
The Coronavirus and the massive impact it is having on economy and lifestyle is triggering all sorts of anxiety and fear. When life as people know it is severely disrupted, …
Responding vs. Reacting: Grow Your Personal Power
Reacting is a disempowering inner orientation. Responding is an empowering orientation. When you shift to that state, you stand in your personal power, and you plug the energy drain that reactivity is.
What Is Personal Transformation?
Transformation has become a popular term. When a word is used so freely, we often lose touch with its true meaning and use it to describe something it is not.
Your Inner Sherpa Will Lead You Up the Mountain
Evolutionary life is not designed to be easy, and yet your journey up the mountain can be made increasingly easeful when you allow yourself to be guided by your inner Sherpa.
Marketing a Coaching Practice Takes Self-Awareness
Many of those who claim to know the way to coaching prosperity understand the pain coaches feel, and play on it to build their own prosperity. It takes awareness to notice how you are being manipulated. You are more resourceful than you think.
Pursue What You Love To Do
Nothing makes the heart sing more than when you give yourself permission to do that which you love to do. Life then takes on a luminous quality, where more light emanates from your being, influencing both the quality of the work you do and the people with whom you do that work.
Where Are You on Your Life Path?
People have often said to me that they wished they were ‘further along’ on their life path, and that they were living their life purpose more fully. Finding your way on your path and into your purpose is a exciting part of life, yet it is rarely as linear a process as people conceive it to be.
Transformational Listening Is a Learned Sensing Journey
One of the ‘muscles’ you will have to develop as you progress along the transformation path is the ability sense more than you think. Sensing is a form of transformational listening, and it supports transformative growth.
None Degrees of Separation Exist in Indra’s Net
Like Indra’s Net, if you are interested in changing the world to being a kinder, more connected, open place for us all, then it helps to recognize how close in mind we are to each other, and the influence the way you think about others has on the whole.