The Artistry of Holding Space

A practice of presence and heart
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A non-judgemental space held through a heart-centered, grounded presence offers those you work with much more than a surface-level conversation. It invites them to go deeper within, to illuminate the shadowy, often hidden, thoughts and feelings that underlie their life experience, and give it voice so that it can be transformed.
A held space is a container of possibility born of the expansiveness of your personal presence that has application in coaching, leadership, facilitation, therapy and an array of other contexts.
Holding Space is an International Coaching Federation (ICF) approved training that offers 20 CCEUs (15CC / 5RD). Upon completion, you will be a Certified Holding Space Practitioner.
Holding Space certification
Holding Space
Holding Space certification
Holding Space
Holding Space

Upcoming Course Dates

Holding Space is a 8-week online training course of 2.5 hour classes.

Tuesdays, 10:00AM Eastern / 3:00PM London / 7:30PM India
(convert to your timezone).


March 11 - May 6, 2025

Includes a one week break on April 8th.
Sign up for our newsletter to be notified of upcoming courses.

Tuesdays @ 8PM Eastern / 8AM Singapore / 11AM Sydney
(convert to your local timezone)

For India-based residents, the next online India cohort begins Oct. 31, 2023. Learn more here.

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Course Preview Call & Open House...

The Power of Presencing

Friday, September 30 - 10 AM Eastern / 3 PM London / 10 PM Singapore

Join course learning leader Rachael Starr Bruck as she shares how the practice of 'presencing' helps create spaces that ignite transformative change.

You will have your questions about the course scope and aims answered as well. All are welcome!

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Watch the course Preview Call...

The Power of Presencing

Course learning leader Rachael Starr Bruck shares how the practice of 'presencing' helps create spaces that ignite transformative change.

The Gift of Holding Space

As we navigate a fast-paced, multitasked world filled with uncertainty, anxiety, and fear, there is a greater need for belonging, compassion, and understanding.

Our shared humanity and connection are vital for cultivating a world where powerful, authentic compassion and genuine kindness are felt and valued.

Holding space begins with the intention to create an experience where people can reconnect with their own innate capacity and wisdom.

In such spaces, transformation and healing can occur.

The art of holding space requires a willingness to be a compassionate presence without condition and without the need to offer advice or solve the others’ problems.

The work is to hold people in the light of their innate resourcefulness and wholeness.


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Heart Centering

Our capacity to live more from the heart, and to access its vast intelligence and healing potential, is the 'relational field' of this work.

You will learn how to live more from the heart and less from the head.



To be able to welcome and accept others, as they are, with understanding and empathy, is an act of great compassion.

You will learn how to perceive the innate goodness and potential that is our essential self.



People thrive in spaces that cultivate calm and security, nurture creative thinking, and ignite the flame of growth.

You will learn to drop shadowy agendas and cultivate trust so that people can open up freely.

The course was FANTASTIC! I didn't expect to take so much away in just 8 weeks. It was so powerful and relevant.
Andrew Mundy | Canada

Nurture a Safe and Enlivening Space

Holding space is firstly about us as the space holder. Our work lies in cultivating our presence or 'way of being' in ways that create a safe, energetic space of allowing and trust.

The course teaches you how to create the optimal conditions in which people can release resistance and judgement towards whatever is happening, and feel a deeper sense of well-being.

What then happens...

In a held space, people are more willing to shift from fear-based, limitation thinking to acceptance and trust.

This shift opens their minds and unleashes resourcefulness and creativity.

When you are capable of holding a truly safe, non-judgmental, agenda-free space, people will sense it and will more readily share their thoughts and feelings.

In the most powerfully held spaces, they will attend to long-held pain and repressed feelings, de-stress and detox, and experience life in a more authentic, aligned and joyful way.

It's about being over doing...

Your presence, and by extension your held space, is developed not through 'doing skills' but through the practice of relational qualities called 'being skills.'

In a held space, people grow not only because of what we do for them, but because of who we are being in relationship to them.

These are a few of the 'being skills' you will cultivate in the course:

The course focuses on developing your capacity with three core competencies:

✧ Cultivating Trust and Safety
✧ Maintaining Presence
✧ Evoking Awareness

I loved ALL of the content and how it was presented!

The seemingly simple "techniques" were broken down in such a beautiful and profound way - making them actually user-friendly and accessible for me to embody.

Meredith Hart | United States

A Curriculum With Broad Application

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There are two interrelated learning components to Holding Space:


Enhancing the Power of
Your Personal Presence

This component introduces a series of transformative practices that expand your consciousness and presence.

You will become more grounded, authentic, trusting, and energetically capable of holding powerful spaces.

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Creating Enlivening Spaces
for Deeper Awareness

This component focuses on how you create a vibrant, deeply safe space, and the techniques you can use.

You will also have the opportunity to practice holding space with your peers.

I am blown away with the depth of the teachings that is offered.

There is so much I can incorporate in my work and life. I am beyond grateful to have the insights and tools to anchor into my spiritual practice, and to hold a safe, loving space to elevate humanity.

Elle Rose Phelps | Australia

What's Included

  • Transformative Content: 20-hours (8 weeks) of interactive classwork plus engaging assignments.
  • Peer Practice: Put learning into action in the peer practice program.
  • Dedicated Learnsite: Easily access materials and connect with fellow participants.
  • Certification: Completion confers certification as a Holding Space Practitioner.
  • CCE Units: Earn 20 ICF Continuing Coach Education Units (15CC / 5RD).
  • Community Membership: Enjoy 8 months of membership in our vibrant Transformational Coaching Collective.

The Work Shifts How You Show Up In Life

This course gave me a unique experiences to get in touch with my inner being and connect to my heart. By allowing myself to join, I gave myself an opportunity to experience the richness of myself and life.
On Grounding in Love

Listen to Lesley speak about the importance of grounding in love and compassion when holding space as a Doula.

On Slowing Down

Listen to Areeya speak about the importance of being aware of our pace in life, and how learning to slow down helps us hold powerful spaces.

On Knowing What Embodiment Is

Listen to Marva speak about the depth of the work in the course, and the impact on her life.

You will learn valuable 'being-skills,' including...

  • what it means to hold space and its application in coaching and other contexts
  • what diminishes the potentials of a held space
  • how to get your ego and personal agenda out of the way
  • how to release the need to 'do' something (fix things, give advice, 'make it better')
  • how to expand your capacity to be with pain, stress, and strong emotions
  • ways to set needed boundaries and to hold space for yourself
  • to be a more loving presence, connected to your spiritual heart

Holding Space was an EXCELLENT experiential course!

This course is so profound in its simplicity, and yet much needs to be 'unlearned' to reach the gift of its simplicity. It was intimate and spacious, and I gained a deep felt-sense of what it is to hold space for others.

Myra Young | Australia


We use a 'pay what you wish' tuition model. Choose the tuition that fits your budget!

Installment Plan: tuition paid with a 1-time payment or a 3-month installment plan. When you register you will see the options.

*Finances: If you are enthusiastic about this course but cannot pay the full tuition due to financial hardship, please contact us about the availability of a reduced tuition.

Course Guidance

Our Program Advisors are happy to connect with you to support your decision process. Before contacting us, please first review the questions and answers below.

Can't find the answer to your question? Contact us with your question or to schedule a chat.

The course was FANTASTIC! It was so powerful and relevant. I learned to create a light, calm space, and I bring more spaciousness and presence to my work.
Nicki Hanning | New Zealand

Your Learning Leader


Lorri Hanna, ACC

Lorri is the embodiment of compassion with an unwavering commitment to meet others on their journey as they reclaim their true Self.

Her capacity to support others in cultivating a deeply connected approach to life comes from her decades of experience as a mentor and facilitator for individuals and groups.

She believes a loving presence invites innate healing through greater acceptance and love, both for oneself and others.

Learn more about Lorri here.